Right Wingers
...immersed in skewed views and conspiracy theories
/ Social Commentary
Copyright 2020 by Ken Albertsen
ISBN 9781879338210
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The e-book comprises two parts. The second part focuses on
misinterpretations of Christianity's New Testament. The first
section is more political, focusing on how right wingers, with Trump at
their helm, unwittingly endanger the USA on several levels. Both
parts, religious and political, share commonalities. One of those
common threads is how they depend on unfettered worship, in each case,
of a man. For Christianity, that man is Jesus. Within the
US political realm at t he time this is being written, that man is
If one were to ask respective devotees, they would likely say they
don't necessarily worship the man at the helm, but rather they worship
the concepts behind the man, ...the ideals the man espouses.
Since this is being written in 2020, it was decided to have the opening
segment of this text focus on Trump. Religious commentary
comprises the second half.
Chapter headings
Duped, As It Applies To Trump Fans
1. Why Write This Missive At This Time?
2. Snowflake or Fake
3. A Big Foot Firmly On Environment's Neck
4. Post
5. Virus
Part II: Duped, As It Applies To Right Wing Christians
6. Tilting at Windmills
7. Buddhism in a Nutshell
8. Who's Dirty?
9. Fine Tooth Comb
10. Science Is Not Subjective
2020 by Ken Albertsen and
Adventure1 Publications