Hurdles - for running - Biz Opportunityjhggfd
    First, a couple of questions:
#1. Wouldn't it be cool if all track & field meets were able to include running races with hurdles?
#2. What % of high schools and colleges/universities actually have hurdles available for runners?
>>>  The answer to #1 is obvious: All track & field venues should offer hurdles' races.
>>>  The answer to #2 is: a relatively low percentage (of high schools and colleges/universities) have hurdles available for running races.

New biz idea for entrepreneur: rent out sets of hurdles
(it's akin to, for example: renting out scaffolding for building projects)

All a person would need is: A. a truck for hauling, B. the hurdles themselves, and C. a dash of entrepreneural spirit.  A long tape measure would also be useful - for spacing the hurdles along the track. The busiest season would be spring and the early part of summer.  However, athletic/sports programs which include hurdles racing, would likely want hurdles available year 'round - to enable runners to hone their skills. A typical hurdles race on a standard running track is 8 lanes.  
Each lane would need 10 hurdles.  8 x 10 = 80 hurdles
If they were adjustible heights, then the same 80 hurdles could be used, in various races,
If the hurdles were fixed height, more would be needed - to accommodate different races.
Purchase hurdles from Adventure1 :  low cost, high quality :
meet international track & field standards

Note: we also offers RACKS .....for neatly storing hurdles not being used, ....better than having the hurdles loosely put aside the track, isn't it?
How much to charge for rentals?  I honestly don't know - because it's a new concept. I did a google search and came up with zero direct hits for "rent hurdles."  Schools/colleges/U's have budgets for such things, and would likely want to include hurdles races at their track & field meets. Such entities could probably budget $800 (or over $1,000) per day for the prestige of including hurdling races - as part of their schedule of events.  As for setting the hurdles on the track: It's likely that nearby folks/students would be glad to volunteer to set the hurdles up, with proper spacing.

Heights / International Standards, including The Olympics:

>>>  42 inches  >>>  for men's 60 and 110 meter races. Called 'college high' or 'open high.'  
This also applies to Olympics and professional races, as well as colleges and universities.

>>>  39 inches  >>>  for High School men, known as 'high school high'

>>>  36 inches  >>>  for men's 400 meters, also known as 'intermediate height'

>>>  33 inches  >>>  for women's high hurdles, for 60 and for 100 meters.

>>>  30 inches  >>>  women's 400 meter.

>>>  Young and elder runners generally use hurdles from 24" to 30"

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Distances/Spacing for Hurdles on running track

110 M for men:   1st hurdle 13. 72 M (45')  , ..distance between = 9.14 (30') 

100 M women:  1st hurdle: 13 M (42.8')   distance between = 8.5 M (27' 11")

400 M both M & F:  1st hurdle:  45 M (147' 8")    distance between:  35 M (114' 10")

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 any questions/concerns, feel free to contact Ken